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Overseas expansion
for Japanese companies

Enabling startups to achieve international growth without borders,

Assisting with low-risk, streamlined expansion abroad

Challenges for Japanese Companies Expanding Overseas

1. Prioritized Japanese market and didn't expand overseas timely

2. Didn't verify hypotheses testing locally before full-scale entry

3. Establish local entities and dispatch expats from Japan soon

4. No culture allows companies to decide to withdraw when they fail.

5. Japanese HR/organizational system does not match local.

6. Language barriers and time zone barriers

7. You can’t get into the local inner circle




▶️ PRF solves these issues one by one


Our Strengths

  • Extensive Track Record: We have successfully assisted numerous market entries into Japan.

  • Minimizing Economic Burden: We aim to deliver results quickly while keeping costs low.

  • Skilled Talent: Our team of experienced professionals supports your success.

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