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  • Community | PRF-LP

    Global expansion community The Overseas Expansion Community aims to build a network that transcends the boundaries of startups and VCs and to share success stories and lessons learned from failures in overseas expansion. This will thereby increase the chances of success for Japanese startups in overseas markets and encourage more companies to follow suit. By promoting open communication and sharing knowledge and experience regarding overseas expansion among participating companies, we aim to reduce the risk of failure due to similar challenges, as well as the time and cost involved, and maximize the chances of success. Executive Community A community that brings together promising startup executives aiming to successfully expand overseas Online 1-1 Communication Subcommittee Sharing knowledge and experiences Seminars/Study Groups Concierge Service Off-line Workshop Pitch Event Offline exchanging Community Participants Acall Inc. altfoodies Inc. anect Inc. Anifie, Inc. Aniwo Ltd. / AironWorks Co., Ltd. Chordia Therapeutics Inc. DataLabs ,Inc Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd. Dimes, Inc. FENEVER PTE. LTD. Kudan Inc. Mosh, Inc. Sansan, Inc. SORACOM,INC. S&K Holdings, Inc. BetaMind INC. Citadel AI Inc. GNUS Inc. Kinish Co., Ltd. Lily MedTech Inc. MEAL FORWARD Co., Ltd. MEBUKU Inc. RevComm Inc. SmartHR, Inc. SPLYZA inc. Thirdverse, Co., Ltd ZenmuTech, Inc. Infostellar Inc. Leretto Co., Ltd. SoundFun Inc. 3-shake Inc. Diverta inc. DELIGHT Global Inc. Human Technologies, Inc. Multibook Limited. KYOTO FUSIONEERING LTD. Olio LLC DEEPCORE, LP. Egg FORWARD, Inc. Genesia Ventures, Inc. JAFCO Group Co., Ltd. Lifetime Ventures. MITSUI SUMITOMO INSURANCE Venture Capital Co.,Ltd. SBI Investment Co., Ltd. Startup Ecosystem Association Community Terms Companies that wish to participate should read the community rules and contact the inquiry desk. Community Terms

  • Privacy Policy PRF

    privacy policy Chienowa Kobo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") has established the following personal information protection policy, established a personal information protection system, and promoted the protection of personal information by ensuring that all employees are fully aware of the importance of protecting personal information and are committed to doing so. ​ Management of personal information We will keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date, and in order to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, we will take necessary measures such as maintaining the security system, establishing a management system, and providing thorough employee education, implement safety measures, and strictly manage personal information. ​ Purpose of Use of Personal Information The personal information entrusted to us by our customers will be used to send e-mails and documents to contact you, provide you with information about our business, and respond to your questions. Prohibition of disclosure or provision of personal information to third parties We will properly manage personal information entrusted to us by our customers and will not disclose such information to third parties except in the following cases: When the customer's consent has been obtained When disclosing to a contractor to provide the services requested by the customer When disclosure is required by law Safety measures for personal information We take thorough security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information. Inquiry of the person in question If you wish to inquire about, correct, or delete your personal information, we will respond after verifying your identity. Compliance with and review of laws, regulations and standards We will comply with Japanese laws and other regulations that apply to personal information we hold, and will review the contents of this policy from time to time and strive to improve it. Contact Us For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at the address below. Chienowa Kobo Co., Ltd. Email:

  • Entry to Japan | PRF-LP

    Entry to Japan Enabling global start-ups to access Japanese market experts. ​ Ensure success under different demands, cultures, and languages. Quote Service for entry to Japan Go-to-market planning & execution Sales agent service Channel development Local recruitment Back-office Outsource (HR, Accounting) PR/Marketing support Challenges for Global Start-ups Entering the Japanese Market Unique market demands and heavy localization are required. Unique culture and the need for a tailored business structure. Language: English speakers are rare and communication is tough Regulation: Conservative to innovation and strongly protect employment. Hiring is challenging because of the lack of bilinguals talents. etc... ▶️ PRF resolves these issues one by one Download brochure Our Strengths Extensive Track Record : We have successfully assisted numerous market entries into Japan. ​ Minimizing Economic Burden : We aim to deliver results quickly while keeping costs low. ​ Skilled Talent : Our team of experienced professionals supports your success. Quote

  • Puzzle Ring Factory (PRF) | 海外展開

    Overseas expansion for Japanese companies Enabling startups to achieve international growth without borders, Assisting with low-risk, streamlined expansion abroad Inquiry/Quote Introduction of overseas expansion support services 1. Strategy Planning & Execution 2. Market Research 3. Sales Agency 4. Building Local Partner 5. Fundraising Overseas 6. Global Org Consultation 7. Local Recruitment 8. Backoffice Support (HR/Accounting) 9. Local contents development Challenges for Japanese Companies Expanding Overseas 1. Prioritized Japanese market and didn't expand overseas timely 2. Didn't verify hypotheses testing locally before full-scale entry 3. Establish local entities and dispatch expats from Japan soon 4. No culture allows companies to decide to withdraw when they fail. 5. Japanese HR/organizational system does not match local. 6. Language barriers and time zone barriers 7. You can’t get into the local inner circle etc ▶️ PRF solves these issues one by one Download Documents Our Strengths Extensive Track Record : We have successfully assisted numerous market entries into Japan. ​ Minimizing Economic Burden : We aim to deliver results quickly while keeping costs low. ​ Skilled Talent : Our team of experienced professionals supports your success. Inquiry/Quote

  • About PRF

    P uzzle R ing F actory​​​ Consulting Services for cross-border expansion specialized for startups ​ We provide comprehensive consulting and hands-on services for startups to expand globally and enter the Japanese market. ​ ​ Four unique values Various knowledge and experience related to overseas expansion End-to-end hands-on support Access to a wide range of global resources A community for sharing experiences of success and failure in overseas expansion Looking for partners P uzzle -R ing- F actory The company name originates from the idea of diverse talents coming together to combine their knowledge, experience, ideas, and passion to create infinite value and forms that go beyond borders. Let's all support the startup's expansion into overseas markets! If you are interested, please contact us using the button below! inquiry About P uzzle R ing F actory CEO Takayuki Nakajima He has 15 years of experience in sales and business development, working for global IT vendors like Sun, Oracle, and Symantec. Later, he was responsible for business development for US portfolio companies at the Japanese VC firm JAFCO and also served as country manager for several start-ups, including portfolio companies. Most recently, he led the launch of Deel in Japan, which is the world's fastest-growing startup.


    P uzzle -R ing -F actory "Achieving borderless growth" Japanese startups expanding overseas and Global startups expanding into Japan with Comprehensive consulting & hands-on service Japanese startups expanding overseas We support comprehensive overseas expansion that reduces economical risk and eliminates the fear of failure. (written in Japanese) Global companies entering Japan We provide hands-on support to help you overcome the difference of demands, cultures and languages and get your business on track in a short period of time. (written in English)

  • Quote/問合せ PRF

    Contact Us Objective/問合せの目的 Send/送信

  • Community-policy | PRF-LP

    Overseas expansion community participation terms and conditions 1. コミュニティの目的 本コミュニティは、海外進出を目指すスタートアップ企業が成功や失敗の経験を共有し合うための会員制コミュニティおよびナレッジベースです。参加企業は、他のメンバーの経験を学び、自社のグローバル展開に役立てることができます。 ​ 2. 会員制の理由 本コミュニティは、以下の理由から会員制としています。 お互いにGive/Takeの精神で貢献し合うことが重要です。 情報を聞くだけでなく、質問に気軽に答えたり、情報を発信することを参加者全員にお願いしています。 情報の取り扱いについても節度を持ち、適切に対応するためです。 ​ 3. 参加対象者 本コミュニティの参加者は以下の通りです。 現在海外展開中、または将来海外進出を予定するスタートアップ企業の経営層 現在海外展開中、または将来海外進出を予定する企業の新規事業部門のエグゼクティブ ​ またスタートアップの海外進出を支援する以下のメンバーもご参加いただけます。 スタートアップを支援するベンチャーキャピタル(VC)メンバー ​ 4. 参加資格 ​ 参加対象者の中希望される方は、本規約の内容に同意いただいた上で、 弊社の問合せフォーム からコミュニティへの参加希望の旨ご連絡ください。 後日、審査の上、参加いただくためのアンケートを送らせていただきます。 ​ 5. コミュニティ運営 PRFがコミュニケーションオーガナイザーを務め、以下の役割を果たします。 コミュニケーションの促進 メンバー間の連携のコーディネーション 参加者は現在無償で参加できますが、将来的には有償となる可能性があります(Slack / Notion等のツールを利用する場合、最低限の費用がかかることがあります)。 ​ 6. コミュニティの主な活動 本コミュニティの主な活動は以下の通りです。 メンバー連携のコーディネーション イベント運営 不定期なブログ発信 ​ ​ 7. 会員特典 ​ 会員は参加されることにより、以下の特典を得ることができます。 ​ 海外進出を目指すスタートアップ企業の成功や失敗の経験を学ぶことができる。 海外進出経験者へタイムリーに質問をし、疑問を解消することができる。 PRFが提供する海外展開ナレッジベースへのアクセスが可能。 PRFを通じて、海外進出活動に関する外部への発信も期待できる。 ​ 7. 情報の取り扱い 参加者は、コミュニティ内で共有される情報を節度を持って取り扱うことに同意します。メンバーの名前や連絡先などの個人情報はメンバーに公開されますが、コミュニティ外に漏らさないようご注意ください。また、各企業の戦略等に関わる機密情報は原則コミュニティ内で共有しないでください。万が一機密情報を漏らし何らかの被害を受けた場合、当コミュニティは一切関知致しませんので、当事者同士での解決をお願いします。 ​ 8. コミュニケーションの制限 当コミュニティメンバー同士での有益なコミュニケーションにおいて制限事項は一切ありません。当事者同士の同意のもと、自由にコミュニケーションをしてください。但し、コミュニティメンバー以外の参加は認めません。また公な営業・宣伝行為は謹んでください。 ​ ​ 9. 著作権の許諾 ​ コミュニティの参加企業は、PRFが運営するコミュニティのランディングページ、およびコミュニティの宣伝用カタログ、プレゼンスライドに、ロゴを掲載する旨を同意いただきます。 PRFは、各社のポリシーに合わせて、利用許諾をいただいた上で活用させていただきます。 ​ メンバー企業から回答いただいたアンケート結果など、コミュニティ活動上で発生した情報はPRFに著作権が帰属するものとし、必要に応じ加工した上で外部への露出を認める。但しサクセスストーリーなど、企業が特定される情報については、対象企業に個別に内容を相談し許可を得るものとする。 ​ ​ 10. 参加費用 現在はコミュニティへの参加は無償となります。 ただし、将来のシステム化に伴い、やむを得ず有償にさせていただく場合もあります。それにより、メンバー同士のタイムリーでクローズドな連携は勿論、サイト内でオープンな質問もできるようにしたいと思います。また、FAQやナレッジベース、イベントの資料の共有もできるように整備します。ご理解いただけますと幸いです。 ​ 11. 入会および解約 入会や解約はメール等の伝達手段による登録/解約届の受理を持って認められます。 ​ 12. 規約の改定 本規約は、必要に応じて改定されることがあります。改定後の規約は、コミュニティ内で通知され、参加者は改定後の規約に従うものとします。 ​ 13. お問い合わせ 本コミュニティに関するお問い合わせは、PRFまでご連絡ください。( ) この規約をもとに、詳細を追加したり、必要に応じて修正を行ってください。他にご質問やリクエストがあれば、お知らせください。

  • Grammarly | PRF-LP

    Accurate English writing with trusted AI to improve your company's reputation Your personalized AI partner will write the best English expressions for your company Accurately express sentences that are difficult to explain in English Concisely convey the main points of long sentences Find the best expression to advance your work Try Grammarly Business Grammarly is trusted by 70,000+ businesses and 30 million people Grammarly Business introduction video Why Grammarly Business? Professional, just a few clicks away And be able to write clear and persuasive texts Better English writing Produce better results Correct spelling, grammar, and suggest persuasive word order changes Depending on what you're writing and who is reading it, Personalized text suggestions Create appropriate sentences that fit the context We suggest emphasizing calls to action for business customers. Seamlessly work across various applications and sites. No need for tedious copy and paste or context switching. Use it anywhere Grammarly can be used independently of the app Understand your brand style and guidelines, Helping you find the words you want to say Stay in style Correcting the name to the official name in line with the trademark, Change to a confident tone that evokes the brand image No compromise on security Reselling customer data or providing it for advertising purposes; Do not allow third parties to use your models for training Trusted AI Addressing data security compliance across all industries Use Cases 01 Customer Support Increase customer loyalty Standardizing your team's language rules and creating a fluent, consistent English brand style will save your team time, resulting in faster ticket resolution times and higher CSAT scores. 03 marketing Achieve your goals efficiently Save your team time and strengthen your marketing efforts by producing top-notch marketing content that is clear, concise, compelling, and on-brand, no matter who writes it. 02 HR 社内コミュニケーションを標準化 Clear communication with your employees helps unify awareness and culture within your organization. A precise, appropriate, and professional tone of voice attracts the best talent. Grammarly Business works seamlessly with hundreds of apps and sites, including LinkedIn, Slack, Workday, and more on desktop and mobile. 04 Sales Get the best performance for your customer emails Clear, persuasive and engaging writing always makes salespeople appear credible and professional, for example in outreach emails and It also delivers top performance when sending emails to C-class. Price/Service Details 1 Free Personal Use → Achieve accurate spelling and grammar in your English writing Write with correct spelling and grammar Check the tone of your writing Generate sentences with 100 AI prompts 2 Premium Personal Use → Clear writing gets you more done All features included in Free + Adjust the tone of your writing Rewrite the whole sentence Write fluently in English Catch accidental plagiarism 1,000 AI prompts Available on all apps 3 Business Grammarly Business Quote Keep your brand style consistent and move your work forward All features in Premium + Centralized billing Style Guidance Writing that matches your brand’s tone Knowledge sharing Analytics Dashboard Single Sign-On Utilizing 2,000 AI prompts * For Enterprise services, Please contact our PRF department. Supports AI translation function Grammarly business has added an AI translation feature that supports 19 languages. Supported languages: Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, English (UK), English (US), French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese , Korean, Spanish, Spanish (Argentina), Spanish (Mexico), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian The features of Grammarly's AI translation feature are that it can be used seamlessly across various applications as before, the highlight function eliminates the need for tedious copy-and-paste work, and the translation matches the brand tone you have set. For example, you can seamlessly convert a sentence written in Japanese into perfect English that matches your brand tone with just a few clicks. This feature is supported on Grammarly Business and above. Please try it out for yourself and experience the best user experience and highly satisfying translation function. Try Grammarly Business Grammarly Business Japanese demo video Customer testimonials Coming soon Inquiries and purchases Puzzle Ring Factory is the distributor of Grammarly's paid services for businesses and schools. About Grammarly Grammarly Inc. is a unicorn company founded in 2009 and headquartered in San Francisco that provides an AI-based English writing support tool. It has features such as grammar check, spell check, stylistic improvement suggestions, and plagiarism check to help users write better sentences.

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